Floral sales

This is a family run business that has been operating from Byfield for 30 years.

We supply local florists and wholesalers throughout Australia. Please contact us for further details.

Byfield fern

This is the Byfield fern (or Bowenia serrulata) which grows up to 1.5m high, and usually has 6-10 branches which average 40 to  60cm in length. It is dark and shiny green with serrated edges. It has  long shelf life.

It is sold as full frond (pictured), tops (pictured), or in bundles of 10 subfrond (branches).


This is steel grass (or Xanthorrhoea). It is a strong durable grass with a long shelf life. It grows up to 120cm in length. It is sold in bundles of about 100 stems (pictured).

Contact Details

Craig Lucht

ABN:                      57839887413

Address:              29 Flanders Road, Byfield, QLD, 4703

Phone / Fax:      (07) 4935 1124

Mobile Phone: 0408 187 606

E-mail:                  ????

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